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Behemoth Protocol

Behemoth Protocol is a third-person action shooter, you are the Skybreaker, a power armour suit, tasked with protecting your home from an enormous machine. The Skybreaker is equipped with an array of weaponry and abilities to help them take down The Behemoth, including a gatling gun and missile launcher.  However, with its own arsenal to fire back and hulking body, The Behemoth won't go down easily.

This game was developed as my final year capstone project, and I was the Lead Designer and Producer.

Behemoth Protocol is available to download from GameJolt and IndieDB.

This project was developed from March 2019 through October 2019, and has changed significantly from the original idea. As it is, the player has a gatling gun, missiles, vacuum, battery, flares, shield, afterburners and dodge in their arsenal. Their enemy, the behemoth has lasers, physical attacks (clap and punch), missiles, turrets and their own attack drones. The player cycles between taking the offensive to damage the behemoth, to backing off and recovering their battery.

As a designer on this project, I worked to develop the mechanics of the game, choosing which weapons the player would have, what the enemy would be capable of, as well as damage values, battery use values and more.

As the producer on this project, I made sure that the game was progressing and developing on track. This involved reviewing work in sprint meetings each week, then determining and delegating tasks to each team member. This role also involved providing weekly updates on the game to the teaching team, and tracking tasks/time within a product backlog and burndown chart.

Beyond this as the design portion of development came to a close, I conducted playtesting each week. I recorded player feedback, collated it all while prioritising feedback for changes to be made to the game.

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Created by Jonathan Rosentreter
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