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Press S To Fall

Press S To Fall is a 2D platformer with unorthodox controls. You are a little ball falling your way through the world. Once you start moving you cannot stop, however you can control your movement however you want.

The game is currently published, and available for free on, GameJolt and IndieDB.

This game is my final year project for my game design course, developed in 7 weeks. This game was developed entirely by myself, I am the designer, programmer, artist, sound engineer, producer and tester for Press S To Fall.

For this project I kept a log of my progress throughout the development phase, which can be found on my blog.

The concept of Press S To Fall has only a few mechanics, falling and respawning for the player, spikes/lava, keys and doors, coins, moving platforms and no fall zones. Each of these have been incorporated into different levels in different ways to show off my level design ability, and to create an interesting and fulfilling experience for the player.

The original plan for Press S To Fall was to have two levels, however it quickly grew into several as more level ideas came to mind. The development progress can be seen in my blog posts.

Although the game is at a complete stage, there is the possibility that I will develop it further in the future. This would include adding new levels and new mechanics.

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