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Writer's pictureJonathan Rosentreter

Week 12: Sound and Fixes


This week I added sounds to the game. This included sounds for the player moving, hitting a wall, hitting a door, dying, changing direction, collecting a coin and collecting a key.

I also finished up the final screen of the game, filling in the gaps and adding my own best times to the screen. This also included adding proper formatting to the text.

Another thing that I added was to the player. The player now has eyes, which look in the direction they are moving and blink.


During the week I playtested the game with a few different people. The following is a summary of the results from that playtesting.

- Player should accelerate slower

- Player should move at full speed all the time

- The character should have eyes

- The player is able to cheese the final level

- A one-frame trick on no-fall zones exists

- Player still stops on walls sometimes

Bug Fixing:

During the week I looked at and fixed a number of bugs.

As mentioned, a few of the issues with stopping on walls came up again during playtesting. I re-adjusted the hitboxes a few times to try and fix again.

During playtesting, a tester managed to turn while traveling through a no fall zone. This was due the the player using OnTriggerStay2D and OnTriggerExit2D, meaning there was one frame where the player would leave the no fall zone and be able to move. I fixed this by changing how I check if the player can fall. Now, the player looks at all the objects that it is colliding with, and if one has the tag 'No-Fall' the player can't move, meaning that traveling between no fall zones will no longer be an issue.

In addition, there was issues regarding keys and coins not respawning properly when the player died. I had no idea why, but changing the check from == -1 to < 0, seems to have fixed it. (The respawning works based on which checkpoint the item was collected on, if the number of checkpoints decreases beyond that, the item will reset itself.)

Plans for next week:

I plan to publish the game by next week (by submission). To do this, I will have to write background music (as I didn't this week), create an installer for the game and remove developer cheats from the game.

Burndown chart:

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